Doniesienia konferencyjne
(IL) - wykład zaproszony (invited) (L) - referat (C) - komunikat ustny (P) - plakat
XXX Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum NKCh UAM w Jeziorach, Jeziory, Polska 12-14. 04. 2024
- M. Babij Nadprzewodnictwo - sen o nieskończonej energii! (IL)
International Conference of Students and Young Researchers in Theoretical and Experimental Physics “HEUREKA-2024, Lviv online, Ukraina 14-16.05.2024
- D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, A.I. Krivchikov, J. Ll. Tamarit, M.A. Ramos Insights into glassy features in TCMX crystals: correlations, anomalies, and Granato’s interstitialcy model (L)
The 7th International Workshop on Ultraviolet Materials and Devices, Tajpej, Taiwan, 2-5.06.2024
- E. Piskorska-Hommel AlN and AlGaN band structure modifications by Mn doping (P)
IV International Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics, CM<P 2024, Kharkiv online, Ukraina 03-07.06.2024
- D. Szewczyk, A. I. Krivchikov, A. Jeżowski Exploring the Unified Theory of Thermal Transport: Experimental Insights, Predictive Precision, and Phenomenological Implications (IL)
- O. Romantsova, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, Yu. Horbatenko, A.I. Krivchikov, M. Vinnikov, S. Cherednichenko Heat capacity features of epoxy-based composites with different graphene oxide contributions at low temperatures (P)
- M. I. Bagatskii, V. V. Sumarokov, M. S. Barabashko, A. I. Krivchikov, A. Jeżowski, D. Szewczyk Influence of the defects on the behavior of the heat capacity of MWCNTs with Ø9.4 nm (P)
Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM) and Materials Science Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (MASCA) Wroclaw, Polska 05-07.06.2024
- J. Ćwik Y. Koshkid’ko, P. Putyra, B. Weise, M. Małecka, D. Gajda, M. Babij, A. Czernuszewicz Composite magnetic refrigerants consisting of intermetallic Laves phase compounds for use as an active magnetic regenerator for hydrogen liquefaction (P)
- K. Rogacki Significant increase in critical currents using nano-sized defects in REBaCuO-type high temperature superconductors (IL)
Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki Darłowo, Polska 8-12.06.2024
- D. Hommel Niebieska optoelektronika: spojrzenie historyczne na Nobel z Fizyki 2014 (IL)
RAP 2024 - International Conference on Radiation Applications, Granada, Hiszpania 10-12.06.2024
- T. Koutzarova K. Krezhov, P. Peneva, S. Kolev, L.M. Tran, B. Georgieva, B. Vertruyen On the Structure and Magnetic Properties of BaFe10Al2O19 Nanohexaferrites (L)
52nd International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Jaszowiec 2024, Jaszowiec, Polska 15-21.06.2024
- K. Nowak, R.Kuna, D.Majchrzak, W.Olszewski, D.Hommel, E.Piskorska-Hommel, D.Pucicki Surface morphology study of AlGaN /GaN HEMT using AFM and SEM (P)
SCTE 2024 - 24th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Praga, Czechy 17-21.06.2024
- K. Podgórska M. Babij, W. Tabiś, D. Rybicki Synthesis of europium-based crystals by flux method (C)
The 8th edition of the Sol-SkyMag International Conference, San-Sebastian, Hiszpania 24-27.06.2024
- J. Ćwik High-field magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in low temperature ordered laves phase compounds (C)
40. Warsztaty Naukowe Lato z Helem, Fizyka w teorii i doświadczeniu, Odolanów, Polska 26.06-05.07.2024
- K. Rogacki Nadprzewodnictwo: czy spełniają się nasze marzenia o rewolucji technologicznej? (IL)
10th IIR Conference on Caloric Cooling and Applications of Caloric Materials (THERMAG), Baotou, Chiny 21-24.08.2024
- Y. Koshkidko Giant irreversibility of the inverse magnetocaloric effect in the Ni47Mn40Sn12.5Cu0.5 Heusler alloy (C)
12th International Conference Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials NANO-2024, Uzhgorod/hybrid, Ukraina 21-24.08.2024
- D. Szewczyk, O. Romantsova, P. Klimczyk, A. Jeżowski, A.I. Krivchikov Low temperature heat capacity of low-dimensional carbon allotropes (C)
The European Course of Cryogenics 2024, Wrocław, Polska 24-31. 08. 2024
- M. Babij Superconductivity - fundamentals and applications (L)
- D. Gajda Critical current density in superconducting wires and tapes – applications (L)
NanoteC24 Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nantes, Francja 26-30.08.2024
- D. Szewczyk, O. Romantsova, A. Jeżowski, A. I. Krivchikov T2 effect in heat capacity of low-dimensional carbon allotropes: effect of size, annealing temperature and sintering pressure (C)
23rd International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, Bułgaria 26-30.08.2024
- Ghelev, P. Peneva, K. Krezhov, S. Kolev, B. Vertruyen, F. Boschini, R. Closset, A. Mahmoud, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, M. Ptak, T. Koutzarova Low temperaturę investigation of nanosized BaFe12O19 powders (P)
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, T. Koutzarova Investigation of partial Al³⁺ substitution on the properties of Y-type Ba0.5Sr1.5MgNiFe12-xAlxO22 hexaferrites (P)
From Molecules to Materials: 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Solid State Properties, Warszawa, Polska 9-11.09.2024
- D. Szewczyk, A.I. Krivchikov, K. Syta, A. Jeżowski Heat capacity investigations of benzene derivatives with chlorine and methyl group (P)
21st Krajowa Konferecja Nadprzewodnictwa, Kraków, Polska 22-26.09.2024
- K. Rogacki Controlling the anisotropic properties of MgB2 by charge doping and band scattering (IL)
- D. Gajda The influence of Sm2O3 admixtures on morphology, transport critical current density and dominant pinning mechanism of MgB2 materials investigated by using the transmission electron microscope (C)
- K. Podgórska Study of magnetic properties of EuSnP single crystals (C)
The International Metrological Conference New trends in metrology, Kielce, Polska 16-18.09.2024
- R. Nikonkov INTiBS in the project “Dissemination of the redefined kelvin (C)
1st Stakeholder meeting of the CIPM Sectorial Task Group on Climate Change and Environment, BIPM Sèvres, Francja 16-18.09.2024
- A. Merlone, A. Kowal The CIPM CCT Working Group Environment activities (C)
XXIII International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics Laser Physics and Applications, Ravda, Bułgaria 23-27.09.2024
- B. Georgieva, T. Koutzarova, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, B. Vertruyen, R. Closse Investigations on the influence of the hexaferrites synthesis route on their structural and magnetic properties (P)
- T. Malakova, K. Krezhov, S. Kolev, P. Peneva, Ch. Ghelev, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, P. Tzvetkov, D. Kovacheva, T. Koutzarova Z-type hexaferrite: preparation and properties (P)
- K. Krezhov, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, B. Georgieva, T. Malakova, S. Kolev, T. Koutzarova Structural and magnetic characterization of nanostructured ZnFe2O4 synthesized by sonochemistry (P)
Final Full Action Meeting of EsSENce COST Action, INEGI- Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Porto, Portugalia 1-3.10.2024
- D. Szewczyk Thermal phenomena in low temperature properties of carbon allotropes (IL)
IV National Congress of Physical Sciences, Inter Expo Center, Sofia, Bułgaria 7-9.10.2024
- B. Georgieva Investigation of partial Al³⁺ substitution on the structural and microwave properties of Y-type Ba0.5Sr1.5MgNiFe12-xAlxO22 hexaferrites (P)
- T. Koutzarova Hexaferrites - single-phase magnetoelectrics (L)
Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators Kraków, Polska 21-24.10.2024
- D. Gajda Properties and applications of MgB2 wires for coils (IL)
Focused Expert Meeting on Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter, Warszawa, Polska, 17-18.01.2023
- M. Matusiak Heat transport in Weyl semimetals (C)
The XVI International Workshop on Complex Systems, Andalo, Włochy, 13-17.03.2023
- D. Szewczyk, M.A. Ramos On the characteristic thermal conductivity plateau in model amorphous silica (P)
- A.I. Krivchikov, A. Jeżowski, M.S. Barabashko Hump universality and singularity in low-temperature heat capacity of crystalline and amorphous solids: boson peak or van Hove signature (L)
Tenth International Temperature Symposium, ITS10, Anaheim, CA, USA, 3-7.04.2023
- J.V. Pearce, R.L. Rusby, R.I. Veltcheva, D. del Campo, C. Garcia Izquierdo, A. Merlone, G. Coppa, A. Kowal, L. Eusebio, J. Bojkovski, V. Žužek, F. Sparasci, P. Pavlasek, M. Kalemci, A. Uytun, A. Peruzzi Realizing the redefined kelvin: Extending the life of ITS-90 (P)
- A. Kowal, F. Sparasci, C. Pan, C. Tauzin, H. Zhang, B. Gao, L. Pitre Direct comparison of the 3He and 4He vapor-pressure thermometers at LNE-Cnam within the overlapping temperature range (C)
- A. Kowal, J. Dobosz, J. Zając, R. Nikonkov A low temperature cryostat for comparative calibration of thermometers (P)
Workshop on i-Caloric Effects, online, 26-27.04.2023
- Yu. Koshkid’ko, A. Oli, I. Dubenko, J. Ćwik, A. Granovsky, E. Lähderanta, A. Zhukov, S. Talapatra, S. Stadler, N. Ali Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni-Mn-In-based Heusler Alloys in High Magnetic Fields (IL)
The 17th Cryogenics 2023, IIR Conference, Drezno, Niemcy, 25-28.04.2023
- J. Ćwik, Yu. Koshkidko, K. Kowalska, B. Weise, K. Nenkov, N. A. de Oliveira High Field Dependence Of The Magnetocaloric Effect In Low Temperature Ordered Laves-Phase Pseudo-Binary Compounds (C)
The 8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM2023, Ölüdeniz-Fethiye, Turcja, 4-11.05.2023
- D. Gajda, M. Babij, A.J. Zaleski, L.M. Tran, A.J. Morawski, D. Szymański, M.A. Rindfleische, M.S.A. Hossain Critical current density in MgB2 wires with nano – amorphous isotopic boron (11B) made by CTFF method (IL)
- D. Avcı, H. Yetiş, D. Gajda, M. Babij, L.M. Tran, F. Karaboğa, C. Aksoy, A. Zaleski, İ. Belenli Small joint design for superconducting MgB2 wires (L)
- D. Gajda, J. Ćwik, Y. Koshkidko, K. Kowalska, B. Weise, N. de Oliveira Magnetic and thermodynamic properties in the doped Ho1-xErxNi2 solid solutions (P)
- J. Ćwik, Y. Koshkid’ko, K. Kowalska, B. Weise, N. de Oliveira Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in low temperature ordered Laves Phase compounds (IL)
- D. Avcı, H. Yetiş, D. Gajda, M. Babij, L.M. Tran, F. Karaboğa, A. Zaleski, İ. Belenli A new approach for production of IMD MgB2 wires (P)
Fourth Workshop on Size-Dependent Effect in Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application – SizeMat, Pomorie, Bułgaria, 10-14.05.2023
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L. M. Tran, M. Babij, T. Koutzarova Magnetic phase transitions in Sr1.5Ba0.5Zn2Fe12O22 bulk samples (P)
Magnetic Fields in Materials Research, Wrocław, Polska, 22-24.05.2023
- L.M. Tran, M. Babij, Z. Bukowski, A.J. Zaleski Coexistance of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in Eu0.73Ca0.27(Fe0.87Co0.13)2As2 (P)
- L.M. Tran, M. Babij, Z. Bukowski, A.J. Zaleski Switching superconducting state "on" and „off” depending on the direction of the magnetic field in the Co- and Ca-doped EuFe2As2-based magnetic-superconductors (P)
- Y. Koshkidko, J. Ćwik, K. Rogacki, A. Oli, I. Dubenko, S. Talapatra, N. Ali, S. Stadler, V.V. Khovaylo, E.T. Dilmieva, I. Musabirov, A.P. Kamantsev, A.V. Mashirov, V.G. Shavrov, V.V. Koledov, A.B. Granovsky, A. Zhukov, S. Mejia, E. Bykov, T. Gottschall, Y. Skourski Magnetostructural Transition and Magnetocaloric Effect of Heusler Alloys at High Magnetic Fields (IL)
4th International Scientific Seminar “Caloric Days in Dagestan: Functional Materials and Their Applications”, Derbent (Republic of Dagestan, Russia) 27-31.05.2023 online
- Yu.S. Koshkid’ko, E.T. Dilmieva, A.P. Kamantsev, A.V. Mashirov, J. Cwik, N.B. Kol’chugina, V.V. Koledov, V.G. Shavrov Magnetocaloric Materials for Low-Temperature Magnetic Cooling (C)
- Shavrov V.G., Kamantsev A.P., Koshkidko Yu.S., Mashirov A.V., Koshelev A.V., Gaifullin R.Yu., Musabirov I.I. Magnetocaloric effect in the Heusler alloy Ni44.4Mn36.2Sn14.9Cu4.5 at cryogenic temperatures (C)
RAP Conference 2023 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) Anavyssos, Attica, Grecja, 29.05-2.06.2023
- K. Krezhov, Т. Koutzarova, В. Georgieva, S. Kolev, D. Kovacheva, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L.M. Tran, М. Babij, A. Senyshyn Effects of preparation route magnetic ordering near room temperature in Al-substituted Ba-Sr Y-type hexaferrites (L C)
Samarkand International Symposium on Magnetism SISM-2023, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2-6.06.2023
- Shavrov V.G., Bychkov I.V. , Koledov V.V. , Kamantsev A.P., Karpukhin D.A. , Kolesov K.A., Koshkid’ko Yu.S., Kuznetsov A.S., Kuzmin D.A., Mashirov A.V. , Petrov A.O., Prokunin A.V., Suslov D.A., Taskaev S.V. , Utarbekova M.V. Search for the new approaches to new generation of cryogenic and superconducting technology based on phase transitions in magnetic fields (C)
- Dubenko I. , Oli A., Duncan J., Granovsky A., Koshkid’ko Yu., Stadler S., Talapatra S., Ali N. Magnetic properties of b-doped Mn-Ga-C-based alloys (C)
3rd International Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics 2023, Charków, Ukraina, online, 5-11.06.2023
- E. V. Petrenko, L. V. Bludova, A. L. Solovjov, K. Rogacki Evolution of the pseudogap temperature dependence under the influence of strong magnetic fields in YBCO films (C)
- L.V. Bludova, E.V. Petrenko, A.L. Solovjov, E. Hannachi, Y. Slimani, M.A. Almessiere Pseudogap and fluctuation conductivity studies: YBCO polycrystal co-added with BaTiO3 and WO3 nanoparticles (C)
- A.L. Solovjov, L. V. Bludova, M.V. Shytov, S.N. Kamchatnaya, Z.F. Nazyrov, R. V. Vovk Evolution of the pseudogap and excess conductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals in the course of long-term aging (C)
- A. L. Solovjov, A. S. Kolisnyk, L. V. Omelchenko, E. V. Petrenko Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, R. V. Vovk Effects of annealing on the fluctuation conductivity and pseudogap in slightly doped HoBa2Cu3O7–δ single crystals (C)
- O.O. Romantsova, Yu.V. Horbatenko, O.A. Korolyuk, A.I. Krivchikov, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski Universal Temperature Dependence of the Diffusions Contribution to the Thermal Conductivity of Complex Clathrate-type Crystals (P)
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2023, Poznań, Polska, 26-30.06.2023
- J. Chmielowiec, G. Paściak, A. Zaleski, L.M. Tran, B. Idzikowski, Z. Barsova, R. Wiglusz Synthesis, structural magnetic and electric properties of Mn–Zn ferrite spinel nanoparticles (P)
The 17th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Phonons 2023, Paryż, Francja, 2-7.07.2023
- O.O. Romantsova, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, O.A. Korolyuk, A.I. Krivchikov, Yu. V. Horbatenko Heat transfer in crystalline clathrate compounds at low temperatures (P)
26th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT-2023), Osaka, Japonia, 30.07-04.08.2023
- A.I. Krivchikov, A. Jeżowski Hump universality and singularity in low-temperature heat capacity of crystalline and amorphous solids: Boson peak or van Hove signature (L)
The 9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (9 IDMRCS), Chiba, Japonia, 12-18.08.2023
- D. Szewczyk Experimental evidences of the unified thermal transport theory (IL)
- D. Szewczyk, M.A. Ramos New experimental setup for measurements of thermal conductivity and specific heat in glassy materials at low temperatures (P)
- A. Krivchikov, A. Jeżowski New Insights into Thermal Properties of Amorphous Solids and Disordered Crystals (IL)
The 28th International Magnet Technology Conference (MT – 28), Aix-en-Provence, Francja, 10-15.09.2023
- D. Gajda, M. Babij, A.J. Zaleski, L.M. Tran, A.J. Morawski, D. Szymański, M. Rindfleisch, T. Czujko, M.S.A. Hossain Critical current density in straight undoped MgB2 wires and small coils undoped MgB2 with nano-amorphous isotopic boron (11B) made by IMD method (P)
Twenty-third International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 18-22.09.2023
- M. Babij, D Gajda, L.M. Tran, A. Zaleski, D. Avci, F. Karaboğa, H. Yetiş, I. Belenli The critical current density and pinning centers in rare earth doped MgB2 wires (IL)
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, T. Koutzarova Substitution Effect on the Magnetic Properties of Y-Type Hexaferrites (P)
- T. Koutzarova, B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset Studies on the Method of Synthesis Effect on the Hexaferrites Properties (P)
IV International Conference on Functional Materials for Innovative Energy - “FMIE 2023", Kijów, Ukraina, 20-21.09.2023
- A.V. Terekhov, V. B. Stepanov, Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, E. Lӧhderanta, K. Rogacki, A. L. Solovjov Possibility of Dirac fermions existence in Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 (L)
4th Metrology for Meteorology and Climate – MMC 2023, Turyn, Włochy, 25-29.09.2023
- M. Dobre, J. Dobosz, A. Kowal Low uncertainty calibration method for temperature sensors in air (C)
International Conference on sensor, detector, materials science and technologies, Bolu, Turcja, 05-07.10. 2023
- D. Gajda, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, L.M. Tran, D. Avcı, H. Yetiş, İ. Belenli, F. Karaboğa, G Gajda The creation of high-field and high-temperature pinning centers in Sm2O3 doped MgB2 wires and bulks (L)
3rd Full Action Meeting of EsSENce Cost Action CA19118, Ateny, Grecja, 23-25.10.2023
- D. Szewczyk, A. Krivchikov Thermal transport studies of ABS polymer and its composite with graphene oxide (IL)
International Advanced Research Workshop “Thermal Conductivity Of Solid States At Low Temperature”, Charków, Ukraina, online, 25.10.2023
- D. Szewczyk, M. Cassetta Low-temperature features of volcanic glasses: heat capacity studies (IL)
- A. Krivchikov Exponential approximation for coherent tunnel contribution in thermal conductivity of complex solid (IL)
14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Fukuoka, Japonia, 12-17.11.2023
- D. Majchrzak, L.M. Tran, M. Babij, K. Opołczyńska, W. Olszewski, J. Serafińczuk, D. Hommel Application of the graded AlGaN:Mg layer to obtain low resistivity ohmic contact in deep UV emitters (P)
XX Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa: New phases, concepts and advances; Lublin, Polska, 22-26.05.2022
- K. Rogacki, K. Szot, C. Rodenbücher, H. Keller, A. Bussmann-Holder Superconductivity by dislocation bundles in SrTiO3 (IL)
2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Warszawa, Polska, 24-29.06.2022
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, Ch. Ghelev, K. Krezhov, D. Kovacheva, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L. M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, T. Koutzarova, Effect of half substitution with nickel for magnesium on the magnetic properties of Y-type Ba0.5Sr1.5NiMgFe12O22 hexaferrite synthesized by citric acid sol-gel auto-combustion (P)
Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics, 20-22.07.2022
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, T. Bednarchuk, E. Coy, Ł. Frąckowiak, D. Szewczyk, D. Kaczorowski Thermoelectric properties of ScPtSb half-Hausler compound (P)
- D. Szewczyk, R. Thaljaoui Thermoelectric properties of potassium-doped praseodymium strontium manganite (P)
2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS2022 Hybrid Conference, Warszawa , Polska 24-29.07.2022
- K. Kowalska, J. Ćwik, Y. Koshkid’ko, K.Nenkov Rare earth based magnetocaloric composites for magnetic refrigerators systems (P)
1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Split, Chorwacja 26-30.07.2022
- Т. Koutzarova, K. Кrezhov, S. Kolev, L.-M. Tran, M. Babij, T. Malakova, B. Georgieva, M. Bohra, A. Mahmoud, R. Closset, B. Vertruyen, D. Kovacheva Structure and magnetic properties of nanostructured ZnFe2O4 synthesized by sonochemistry (P)
Days of Calorics in Korolev: Functional Materials and Their Applications, Korolev, Rosja, 16-20.08.2022
- Y. S. Koshkidko, A.P. Kamantsev, E.T. Dilmieva, I.I. Musabirov, C. Salazar Mejia, V.V. Koledov, V.G. Shavrov Magnetocaloric effect in Heisler Ni-Mn-Ga-Cu alloys in stationary and pulsed magnetic fields (P)
19th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Santa Clara-Silicon Valley, USA, 27-28.08.2022
- M. Domínguez-Pumar, C. Rosero-Pozo, J. Pons-Nin, J Ramos-Castro, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, N. Solà-Penafiel, X. Manyosa, S. Bermejo, V. Jiménez Spherical thermoprobe for the characterization of regolith for planetary exploration using Fourier methods (L)
22nd International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, Bułgaria, 29.08-2.09.2022
- Ghelev, B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, P. Peneva, K. Krezhov, D. Kovacheva, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L. M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, T. Koutzarova Influence of Al-substitution on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of BaFe12O19 Obtained by Modified Coprecipitation Methods (P)
11th Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Belgrad, Serbia, 28.08-1.09.2022
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, L.-M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Mahmoud, R. Closset, B. Vertruyen, F. Boschini, M. Bohra, D. Kovacheva, Ch. Ghelev, T. Koutzarova Synthesis and characterization of nanosized ZnFe2O4 powders obtained by sonochemistry (P)
21st International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids, Wrocław, Polska 04-09.09.2022
- A. L. Solovjov, V. B. Stepanov, A. V. Terekhov, Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, K. Rogacki Possibility of Dirac fermions existence in Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 (L)
International Workshop: PHOTON – GRAPHENE INTERACTIONS: PHENOMENA AND APPLICATIONS, Wrocław, Polska, 09-10.09.2022
- D. Szewczyk, O. Romantsova, A. Jeżowski Heat capacity studies of carbon –carbon based low-dimensional composites (L)
- A. L. Solovjov, L. V. Omelchenko, E. V. Petrenko, N. V. Shytov, G. Ya. Khadzhai, D. M. Sergeyev, R. V. Vovk, K. Rogacki Effect of electron irradiation on fluctuation conductivity and pseudogap in YBa2Cu3O7-δ twin single crystals (L)
XXII International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics “Laser Physics and Applications”, Virtual forum, 19-23.09.2022
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, P. Tzvetkov, L. M. Tran, M. Babij, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, T. Koutzarova Comparative Study of Magnetic Properties of Hexaferrites Synthesized by Different Methods (P)
IX International Conference with elements of a scientific school for “Functional nanomaterials and high-purity substances”. Suzdal, Rosja 3 - 7.10.2022
- Y.S. Koshkidko, J. Cwik, C. Salazar Mejia, N.B. Kolchugina, N.A Dormidontov, P.A. Prokofiev, A.S. Bakulina Magnetocaloric effect of high-purity dysprosium in high magnetic fields (L)
The Materials Science & Technology (MS&T22), Pittsburgh, Pensylwania, USA, 09-12.10.2022
- D. Hreniak, R. Tomala, Z. Dai, D. Szewczyk, A. Jezowski, J. Li Upconverting Er3+-doped Ytterbium-aluminum Garnet Ceramics (IL)
12th International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress & Exhibition (APMAS), Oludeniz, Turcja 13-19.10.2022
- J. Ćwik, Y. Koshkid’ko, K. Kowlaska, K. Nenkov, N. Antunes de Oliveira High Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Laves Phase RNi2 Intermetallic Compounds (L)
- D. Gajda, J. Ćwik, Y. Koshkid’ko, K. Kowlaska, K. Nenkov, N. Antunes de Oliveira Low temperature refrigerants based on Laves-phase pseudo-binary (Dy,Er)Ni2 intermetallic compounds (P)
- D. Gajda Low Temperature Refrigerants Based on Laves-Phase Pseudo-Binary (Dy,Er)Ni2 Intermetallic Compounds (P)
International Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Theoretical and Experimental Physics (HEUREKA-2022), Lwów, Ukraina, 18-20.10.2022
- E. Petrenko, Omelchenko, A. Terekhov, Y. Kolesnichenko, K. Rogacki, D. Sergeyev, A. Solovjov Estimation of coherence length values for optimally-doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films (C)
International Advanced Research Workshop “Thermal Conductivity of solid states at low temperatures”, hybrid/online event, Charków, Ukraina, 08.-09.11.2022
- J.F. Gebbia, C. Escorihuela-Sayacedo, C. Cazarola, M. Romanini, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, A. I. Krivchikov, J. Ll. Tamarit Low-temperature properties of pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) and p-chloronitrobenzene (p-CNB) (L)
- D. Szewczyk, M.A. Ramos Thermal properties of nanodiamond ceramics at low temperatures (IL)
- M. Moratalla, M. Rodríguez-López, C. Rodríguez-Tinoco, J. Rodríguez-Viejo, D. Szewczyk, M. A. Ramos Low-temperature thermal properties of ultrastable glasses (L)
International Forum on Applied Superconductivity and Magnetism, Gold Coast, Australia, 06-08.12.2022
- M. Babij, A.J. Zaleski, L.M. Tran, A.J. Morawski, D. Rybicki, D. Szymański, M.A. Rindfleische, M.S.A. Hossain, D. Gajda, Influence of Annealing Conditions on the Structure and Critical Parameters of MgB2 Superconducting Wires with Nano 11B made by CTFF Method and Future Approach for the PIT Technique (IL)
INC Young Researchers Meeting 2022, Madrid – Miraflores de la Sierra, Hiszpania, 16.12.2022
- D. Szewczyk, M. A. Ramos Comparative studies of thermal properties: the case of detonated nanodiamond ceramics (P)
XXI All-Russian School-Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics (SPFKS-21), Yekaterinburg, Rosja 18 – 25.03.2021
- Y. Koshkidko Methods of creation and application of high magnetic fields for research of promising magnetocaloric materials (IL)
The International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Wrocław, Polska, online, 12 - 16.04.2021
- P. Górniak, M. Babij, L. M. Tran Synthesis of single crystal GdFe1‑xCoxAs (P)
- P. Ruszała, M. J. Winiarski, M. Samsel-Czekała, L. M. Tran, M. Babij, Z. BukowskiTilted Dirac cone gapped due to spin-orbit coupling and transport properties of a 3D metallic system CaIr2Ge2 (P)
Nanoengineered Superconductors - NES21 Young Investigator's online workshop; online (Wiedeń, Austria) 10.05.2021 - 12.05.2021
- L. M. Tran, M. Babij, P. Górniak, A. Zaleski, M. Tanak, Y. Takano Synthesis of single crystal GdFe1-xCoxAsO using salt flux technique (P)
- M. Babij, L. M. Tran Study of the Gd3-xCaxIr4Sn13 system in the form of single crystals (P)
9th IIR International Conference on Caloric Cooling and Applications of Caloric Materials (Thermag IX), Maryland, USA, 7-11.06.2021
- Y. Koshkidko Relaxation Phenomena in Adiabatic Temperature Changes Near Magnetostructural Transitions in Heusler Alloys (C)
Superconducting Hybrids @ Extreme – hybrid online in-person meeting, online i Štrbské Pleso, Słowacja, 28.06.2021 - 02.07.2021
- P. Górniak, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, M. Tanak, Y. Takano, L. M. Tran Basic physicochemical properties of GdFeAsO:Co single crystals (P)
- M. Babij, L. M. Tran Physicochemical characterization of the Gd3-xCaxIr4Sn13 single crystals (P)
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2021, online (Poznań, Polska) 28.06.2021 – 2.07.2021
- S. Kolev, B. Georgieva, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, T. Koutzarova, D. Kovacheva, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L.M. Tran, M. Babij Influence on the microwave characteristics of Y-type polycrystalline hexaferrite (P)
The 15th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity EUCAS 2021, Moskwa, Rosja, 5-9.09.2021
- K. Rogacki, B. Dabrowski, A. Los Increase of critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7 by Mo substitution and high-pressure oxygen annealing (P)
9th International Conference “Modern Trends in Science” FMNS-2021, online (Blagoevgrad, Bułgaria) 15.09.2021 - 19.09.2021;
- A Stoyanova-Ivanova, S Kolev, V Petrova, O Petkov, L M Tran, M Babij, A Zaleski, V Mikli, D Kovacheva Physicochemical and magnetic study of Dy-123 and Gd-123 bulk samples doped with nano Fe3O4 (P)
XLVII Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Bydgoszcz, Polska 19-23.09.2021
- A. Zaleski Nadprzewodnictwo – co wiemy i czemu nie będziemy mogli się bez niego obejść (IL)
- K. Rogacki, A. Los, and B. Dabrowski, Kotwiczenie nici wirowych nanorozmiarowymi defektami w celu znacznego zwiększenia prądów krytycznych w nadprzewodnikach wysokotemperaturowych typu REBaCuO; (Pinning of vortices by nano-sized defects in order to significantly increase the critical currents in high-temperature superconductors of the REBaCuO type) (C)
The 1st Training School “Preparation & properties of innovative CNMs composites”, online training by COST Action EsSENce 20.-23.09.2021,
- D. Szewczyk, A. Barkane, Y. Soyka Material for an artificial muscle (C)
Twenty-second International Summer School VEIT, online (Sozopol, Bułgaria) 20-24.09.2021
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, L.-M. Tran, M. Babij, A.J. Zaleski, T. Koutzarova, Effect of cation substitutions in Y-type hexaferrites on the magnetic phase transitions (P)
XXVII International Summer School ‘Nicolás Cabrera’ Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Hiszpania 5-10.10.2021
- D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, Disorder-disorder phase transitions in heat capacity studies of adamantane derivatives (C)
- M. Barabashko, D. Szewczyk, M.I. Bagatskii, V.V. Sumarokov, A. Jeżowski, V.I. Kuznetzov, S. I. Moseenkov, A.N. Ponomarev, Experimental heat capacity of low-dimensional disordered systems: carbon nanotubes and fullerite C60 (P)
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM), Milas-Bodrum, Turcja, 21-27.10.2021
- A. Morawski, T. Cetner, S.J. Singh, G. Gajda. K. Filar, D. Gajda, A. Kawecki, S. Wójtowicz, M. Rindfleisch, M.Tomsic, P. Przysłupski, S. Hossain, Densification And High Current Density Of Superconducting Wire Cores By Modified HIP Process, PROSUPREX-PL APPLICATION PROJECT (IL, AS)
II International Conference Functional Mateials for Inovative Energy FMIE, Kijów, Ukraina 25-27.05.2020
- M. S. Barabashko, D. Szewczyk, A. Jezowski, M. Drozd, P. Gluchowski, M.I. Bagatskii, V.V. Sumarokov, A.N. Ponomarev, V.L. Kuznetsov, S.I. Moseenkov Heat capacity, DSC and Raman spectra of MWCNTs (P)
International Advanced Study Conference “Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2020”, Charków, Ukraina 8-14.06.2020
- M.S.Barabashko, D. Szewczyk, P. Gluchowski, M. Drozd, A. Jezowski, M.I. Bagatskii, V.V. Sumarokov, A.N. Ponomarev, V.L. Kuznetsov, S.I. Moseenkov Heat capacity, DSC and Raman studies of MWCNTs (P)
International research and practice conference: “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (NANO-2020), Lwów, Ukraina 27-30.08.2020
- M. S.Barabashko, D. Szewczyk, A. Jeżowski, M.I. Bagatskii, V.V. Sumarokov, V.L. Kuznetsov, S.I. Moseenkov, A.N. Ponomarev Calorimetric studies of MWCNTs at low temperatures (P)
21st International School On Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, Bułgaria, 31.08.2020 - 04.09.2020
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, L.-M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, T. Koutzarova Magnetic phase transitions in Zn2Y-type hexaferrites - the influence of substitutions (P)
Seminar «Dagestan Caloric Days», Gunib, Rosja, 16-20.09.2020
- Yu.S. Koshkidko, E. T. Dilmieva, A. P. Kamantsev, A.V. Mashirov, J. Cwik, N.B. Kolchugina, V.V. Koledov, V.G. Shavrov Magnetocaloric materials for low temperature magnetic cooling (L)
21st ICSQE "Laser Physics and Applications“, Sofia, Bułgaria, 21-24.09.2020
- B. Georgieva, S. Kolev, K. Krezhov, Ch. Ghelev, D. Kovacheva, L.-M. Tran, M. Babij, A. Zaleski, B. Vertruyen, R. Closset, T. Koutzarova Effect of Ni and Al substitution on the magnetic properties of Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe11.92Al0.08O22 powders (P)
XLVI Nadzwyczajny Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Warszawa, Polska, 16-18.10.2020
- K. Rogacki, B. Dabrowski, A. Los, P.J.W. Moll, R. Puźniak, J. Karpiński, B. Batlogg Prądy krytyczne w nadprzewodnikach wysokotemperaturowych (P)
EURAMET TC-Quality on-line meeting 11-23.10.2020
- A. Kowal The quality system at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research - DI in Poland (L)
WMO Data conference - Earth System Data Exchange in the 21st Century, 16-19.11.2020
- A. Merlone, G. Coppa, C. Musacchio, L.G. Lanza, C. García Izquierdo, Y.-A. Roulet, J. Nielsen, H. Kjeldsen, M. Dobre, F. Sanna, G. Nigrelli, G. Beges, J. Dnovrsek, D. Groselj, P. Pavlasek, F.Pennecchi, A. Kowal, F. Madonna, A. Viola, Å.A.F. Olsen, M. Brunet, S. Bell, Metrological traceability to improve data comparability (P)