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Satutory tasks

2025/1 Investigation of Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Air Temperature Measurements

2024/2 Study of Transport and Magnetic Phenomena in Selected Exotic and High-Temperature Superconductors and Topological Materials

2024/3 Investigation of Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Selected Solid Solutions for Low-Temperature Magnetic Cooling Technology

2024/4 Study of Coherent Contribution to Thermal Conductivity in Composites and Thin-Film Systems

2024/1 Investigation of the Characteristics of Various Types of Temperature Sensors in the Low-Temperature Range

2023/1 Modernization and Study of the Metrological Parameters of a Cryostat for the Comparative Method

2022/2 Investigation of the Universality of the Diffusive Transport Mechanism of Thermal Excitations Based on Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Selected Bulk Crystals and Thin-Film Systems

2021/1 Study of Oscillatory Excitations in Multi-Atomic Molecular Crystals and Thin Dielectric Layers

2020/2 Modernization of a Setup for Realizing the Argon Triple Point, Utilizing a Thermometric Cell Manufactured at INTiBS PAN. Determination of the Metrological Characteristics of the Modernized Setup

2020/1 Investigation of Transport, Magnetic, and Thermodynamic Properties and Their Interrelations (Magnetoresistance, Magnetocaloric Effect) in New Strongly Correlated Electron Compounds (Superconductors, Magnetics) in the Form of Single Crystals and Polycrystals