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Research activities

  • The formation and propagation of thermal excitations in crystals created from noble gases and simple molecular gases.
  • Research on scattering of phonons in nanocomposite materials obtained on the basis of simple van der Waals crystals.
  • Mechanisms of heat transfer in molecular crystals and new materials for electro-optical applications.
  • Examination of coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in doped compounds such as AFe2As2 for A = Ba, Eu, Ca (single crystals, for example with cobalt substituting iron, etc.).
  • Studies of the magnetic properties and search for superconductivity in materials with low carrier density (twining planes in crystals of bismuth or topological insulators, GaN nanoceramics,  plane separating SrTiO3 and LaAlO3).
  • Anisotropy of  thermoelectric coefficients upon the application of uniaxial pressure, allowing detwinning of single crystal samples and examination of the nematic state of iron-based superconducting materials.
  • The dynamics of magnetic vortices in single crystals of doped high-temperature superconductors.
  • Phenomena related to interaction between superconductivity and magnetism in spin valve nano-sized heterostructures.
  • Mechanisms of dissipation of electromagnetic energy in commercial, high-temperature superconducting composites.
  • Research on metrological characteristics of model platinum thermometers of new generation in low temperatures.
  • Magnetocaloric effect, magnetic properties and magnetocrystalline anisotropy studies of single crystals of intermetallic compounds and rare-earth metals.
  • Magnetostriction studies of single crystals of intermetallic compounds and rare-earth metals.
  • Study of magnetocaloric effect and magnetic properties of magnetic materials with magnetostructural transitions.
  • Study of magnetocaloric effect and magnetic shape memory effect in Heusler alloys.

The Division also includes the Laboratory of Temperature Standard, which is an accredited national calibration laboratory. It performs calibration of temperature measurements in the range from 0oC to 156oC, using the fact that the Institute is the depositary of the national standard of temperature in the range from 13.8033K to 273.16K.